PinnedHow to Preserve Tomatoes Without a Freezer:Traditional Methods for Stocking Up During Inflation and Changing SeasonsFeb 18Feb 18
PinnedFARMING, THE NEW OIL?How we can embrace farming and secure the future of food.Jul 30, 2024Jul 30, 2024
PinnedFOOD SCARCITYI’ve often heard the term “yesterday’s price isn’t today’s price” when working on projects. Juggling the roles of project management and…Feb 15, 2024Feb 15, 2024
Do I really need to have new year resolutions?It was the end of 2018, and my health goal for 2019 was to join a fitness program so that I could be held accountable.Dec 28, 2023Dec 28, 2023
EATING HEALTHY IS THE MOST DIFFICULT DURING THE FESTIVE SEASONChristmas is my favorite time of year because having family over and spending time alone allows me to reflect on and plan for the coming…Dec 23, 20231Dec 23, 20231
Fake products will still be in circulationThe media and advertising companies produce incredible awareness by pushing things into the market, yet we get carried away with the…Dec 20, 2023Dec 20, 2023
HEALTHY li IS EXPENSIVE. HELP ME!Thinking about what to eat every day can be a chore, especially when you’re trying to stay within your budget. Carbohydrate-rich foods in…Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023